NaPoWriMo begins tomorrow. For anyone who is interested in writing a poem a day, or writing anything, or writing something once in a while, or just reading interesting prompts, please join me!
My sibling JA and I created these prompts a couple years ago for eir blog, onewritersmind.blogspot.com, and really enjoyed doing it. JA is a Ph.D. planetary scientist and science fiction/fantasy writer. I’m a writer with and MFA in nonfiction and and editor specializing in nonfiction, memoir, and personal essay.
JA and I talk a lot about the mythological boundary between art and science. We believe they are both valid and vital methods for uncovering truth and meaning. JA is a scientist who loves to write; I am a writer who loves science. I am still proud of the fact that I won second place in the state of Pennsylvania for my Earth Science project in seventh grade! #nothumblebrag
Our prompts are created from that belief that art and science are not divided. They are not opposite ends of a spectrum. Art and science both confront us with mysteries, challenge our understanding of the world and ourselves, and answer questions by creating more questions.
You can read the prompt and write a poem (or anything) about it, read the prompt and ignore it, choosing instead your own inspiration, or you can read the prompt, call it a day, and go get a cup of coffee. Or tea. Or wine. Or bourbon. Times are tough. You do you!